A- Attached or single: attached to Mom most of the time, but if I had my choice, it'd be Kate
B- Best Friend: Hmmm... that'd be Kate too
C-Cake or Pie: Cake for sure. My first three-word sentence was 'I like cake.'
D- Day of Choice: Saturday because I get to see Dad after a long week of missing him.
E- Essential Items: Trains, trains, and more trains
F- Favorite Color: I wear lots of blue because I'm a boy, but I also look exceptionally handsome in orange.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: I like bears so let's go with that answer.
H- Hometown: Portland, OR/Gresham, OR
I- Indulgence(s): My dinosaur fruit snacks, candy (chocolate especially), and cake if there's any around
J- January or July: I like being outside, so I'll say July.
K-Kids: none to my knowledge
L-Life is incomplete without: family, friends and trains
M- Marriage Date: Kate and I have yet to set a date.
N- Number of Siblings: 0, but Mom and I are hoping that won't be the answer forever.
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples
P- Phobias or Fears: Sometimes dogs (if they bark or growl), sometimes cats, and right now being held by anybody besides Mom.
Q- Quote(s): 'Trains, trains, trains!'
R- Reason To Smile: All my needs are met and I've hardly done a thing to make that possible.
S- Season: Spring because I can finally go outside and play!
T- Tag Six: I don't have any friends my age that blog. How lame is that?
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I love the movie 'Happy Feet.'
V- Veggies or Fruit: Fruit!
W- Worst Habit: Screaming when I don't get my way (Mom's chosen to ignore this behavior in hopes that it will go away and in case you are wondering, it's not working so well for her).
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Neither, please. I don't like doctors.
Y- Your Favorite food: I like refried beans a great deal. Also olives.
Z: Zodiac: Gemini: Geminis are bright, witty, entertaining and rarely get deeply absorbed in any one task, unless it involves trains.
An added bonus: one very cute picture of me and Kate.