I FINALLY started Kindergarten this past week. It seemed like all my friends had started before me so I was ready when my first day came. I didn't appear to be nervous at all that morning, especially when I saw some familiar faces upon entering my classroom. My baby sister, however... well, that was a different story. Esther didn't want to leave without me and caused quite a scene as Mom tried to say goodbye and whisk her screaming child out in mother-of-the year fashion (a.k.a. purse and camera on one arm, 2-year-old under the other). Oh yes, and try picturing all this in a very quiet Montessori classroom. Perfect memory for our family. :-)
Here we are getting ready to leave the house.

By my cubby in the classroom.

And for fun, here is a collage with photos of my first day of three year old preschool, first day of pre-K, and Kindergarten. I'm definitely a big kid now. :-)